Today, young men in America are required to register for selective service, or conscription, so that they can be called up for military service in times of serious military need. However, the need was so great during World War II that conscription was extended to men up to the age of 64, and became known as the “old man conscription”.
Old Man’s Draft
In 1940, Congress passed the Selective Service Act in anticipation of being involved in a war in Europe. Her foresight proved wise. Because it didn’t come true until the following year. As a result, all American men between the ages of 21 and 35 were required to register for the draft. However, when America actually entered the war, the age requirement was adjusted. In the second phase of the Selective Service Law that number was reduced to his 18, in the third phase he increased to 45, and with his fourth and final enlistment beginning on April 27, 1942, conscription was granted to him. of men under the age of 200. 45 and 65 are open. This stage of the draft was often referred to as the “old draft” because it spanned the player’s prime.
What did the old conscripts do?
Fortunately, you didn’t have to worry too much about your grandfather’s grandfather. Men conscripted into the Old Conscription are not usually sent to the front lines. Instead, they usually played a supportive role in releasing younger, more physically capable men into battle. In fact, the Old Man’s Draft member registration card was unique in that it required a list of skills and experience in addition to the basic information on the youth registration card. With such information, the U.S. military can assign senior conscripts to their most useful roles. The Old Age Draft ended with the war, during which time several selective service laws with different age requirements (e.g., up to 55 during the Vietnam War) were passed, but usually restricted to men in between. 18 and 26 years old.