- The period that Americans call the “Vietnam War” and Vietnamese call the “American War” was the US military intervention from 1965 to 1973.
- Medical evacuation of 2nd B and 3rd Marines from Mutter’s Ridge.
- A navy lieutenant points fire arrows at a hut hiding a Viet Cong bunker across the river.
- Three of his US Marines sleep on an ammunition box during a moratorium on fighting at Jiolin, Southern Demilitarized Zone, Vietnam, April 2, 1967.
- Delta 1/5 Marines tend to wounded in Hue, 1968
- A rare photo of HH-43 Pedro evacuating the wounded during Operation Abilene.
- Khe Sanh, South Vietnam – 12 Apr 1971
- Vietnam War B-52
- Tunnelmouth Melvin Sherrell, KIA 13 Dec 1966
- Medical Evacuation Near Matters Ridge, 2nd Bn 3rd Marine Corps
- RTO leads Chinook Slingshot to deliver supplies and supplies to Pershing Fire Support Base near Dau Tien. Name and date unknown.
- His LRRP his team leader of Unit D, 1st Squadron, 4th Cavalry, 1st Infantry Division, signaling his men on patrol, 1967.
- M551 Sheridan Guimento of the 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment
444 15. American soldiers after village fire
4 4 16. Young Marines on their way to battle, Vietnam, 1965
Photo: Eddie Adams - American F -4c Phantom A The plane left a trail of steam from its wingtips as it regained altitude after bombing a small village known as a Viet Cong stronghold during the Vietnam War.
US 18th Infantry looking into tall jungle trees to wait for Viet Cong snipers to open fire, June 15, 1967
19th US Army, Ensign RC Rescorla, 2nd Battalion, 1st Cavalry Platoon Commander, 7th Cavalry Regiment, Division – Oia Dorang Valley, South Vietnam 16 November 1965
Born in England, first served in the British Army and later in the United States Army. Rick Rescorla, Morgan Stanley Bank security chief Dean Witter, is credited with saving 2,700 people by escaping the South Tower of the World Trade Center before it collapsed. He was killed while returning to save more people.
- Long story short, the first air cab soldiers near Bon Son closely track their last days left in Vietnam.
- LCPL William G. Cox emerges from VC tunnel discovered in Batangan Peninsula. When mapped, it was over 158 meters long and two levels deep.
- “Operation Billings” Medics from 1st Battalion, 16th Infantry, 1st Infantry Division scan the skies for a rescue helicopter to evacuate their wounded comrades after the LZ Roof raid in June 1967. .
- Americans in this undated war photo, military helicopters drop Agent Orange over Vietnam.
- SOUTH VIETNAM, MARCH 1968: A US Marine helmet tells the story during a sustained attack by Viet Cong forces on the Khe Sanh base. John Olson, The Stars and Stripes
- U.S. Navy sniper team operating in Khe Sanh, South Vietnam, February 1968
- M60 gunner changing expression after fatigue
- Obscuration of Navy Lieutenant Viet Cong aiming for fire arrows A hut across the river that hides the trench.
- Kai High Speed Patrol Vessel